Sequential Art, Seventh Art & Other Arts: May 2012

Friday, May 04, 2012

It's The 4th - Not The Schwartz!

It's May the 4th - and, of course, the sheer date can only bring out the fanboy in all of us! 
What, with a freebie given away with each and every order, 
how can we resist indulging all over again? 

For most lovable nerds out there 
it is all about Star Wars. 
This year, though, 
there is something else to think about: 
Norse mythology and special effects, 
strangely enough, with just a dash of 
all-American patriotism on top, 
for added flavour? 
(Excuse me while my stomach turns...)

The Avengers are coming to the big screen - 
and a certain super-hero online retailer tries to profit 
while baiting customers with some freebies...

And why not - every May 5th or so, 
right after ''May The 4th Be With You'' Day 
(and let's not forget about May Day - the original
since it was the First! 
Some students and assorted protesters 
sure did not forget about it, 
this year, at least...! 
But this is not about Protesters -
it's about Avengers!) 
Now it is all, I do mean all about those Avengers, 
now is it not? 
And what a master stroke of evil genius now 
to jointly hit the masses with such a double-whammy 
that perfectly fits the current trends: 
free comic-bookies with every order 
and order all Avengers-stuff that you can, 
er, avenge?
That oughta work! 

On the Avengers page, though, you will find all manners 
of merchandise evoking 
all possible -and impossible- 
members of the Avengers! 
Even this guy is on the list, somehow:
Kick-Ass... Kick-Ass?!?
I don't remember that crossover ever 
taking place - like, ever?!?
Are you sure you're not confusing the guy with 
Speedball, Scarlet Spider 
or some other New Warrior/Young Turk 
that came down the pike 
(lest ''crawled up the pipe'' 
would be more accurate?)
at some point in time? 

But ultimately (no pun intended) why not, eh - 
after all, these are the guys that offer you 
lots of t-shirts variants, a single action figure (of the hero's arch-nemesis) 
but exactly zero action figures of the hero actually in question 
in the case of one-time Avengers member Aquaman!
(At least he truly was an Avenger, once indeed, in the 2004 
team-up JLA/Avengers... remember?)
And that is just one example...
But the best example!
There are so many reasons why -
but, here today, 
one shall suffice: 
Aquaman's striking resemblances 
and many similaritites with 
Luke Skywalker - 
which promptly brings us back to...
Star Wars!
And Star Wars Day 
May The 4th Be With You Day!
(What do you mean 
''what resemblance,
what similarities'''??
Why, you nincompoops -
where have you been sleeping 
for the last two decades: 
under a bedrock?!? 
There are tons of 
similitudes between 
these two heroes -
just get on with it 
and shut the hell up!
Ignorance may be bliss -
but it will be the opposite 
on my watch! 
Suffice it to say...)

And so it is Star Wars Day -
and what have you done?
(either for the Force - or against it?)

A tad too late to shop and get it delivered on time 
in order to wear it today - 
(for today is the 4th already, darnit) 
but it is the intention that counts, I guess! 

Star Wars fans! 
Spaceballs fans! shoppers! 

But not with you Trekkies! 

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