Once A Bimbo, Always A Bimbo... C'est Losique!

Épisode 2 : Profession productrice

Épisode 3 : À star, star et demi

Épisode 5 : Silence, on tourne!

Épisode 6 : Bimbo un jour… bimbo toujours!
Anne-Marie Losique puts to shame the likes of Véronique Cloutier, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan (all of whom can thank their pops for their notoriety and opportunity to "shine" or simply bask in the spotlight - just like Anne-Marie...)
A-M.L also eclipses -in sheer bimbodom- the likes of Jessica Simpson, Missy Hyatt and most WWE so-called "Divas" that you can actually NAME...
It is always so touching to see Boston exact a good measure of revenge upon Montreal via its resident premier bimbo (but far from being the only one around though - very far from it) whenever Ben Affleck openly mocks and ridicules Anne-Marie Losique, at every "interview" she conducts with him and every other chance he gets. And she, poor oblivious obtuse thing that she is, goes along with it! In fact, the tart probably believes it when he uses the only French he bothered to know and calls her "mon amour" while she sits in his lap! She is that vain, you know; she can definitely believe that a big-time Hollywood star would fall for *her*... (Never mind the fact that he is married to another big-time Hollywood star who is thrice the woman Losique is - A-M.L loves to see herself as a home wrecker... wannabee, really.)
That is nothing though - it has to be seen to be believed, the times A-M.L shows up to interviews where SHE is supposed to be the guest - and she is either stoned or dead drunk! (Well, it looks like it is either one or the other - lest she was simply born that way, eh?) There was a time where she was merely trying to put together some sort of copycat show, amalgamating proven formulas borrowed from the likes of Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood and Inside Edition. That time has long gone by though; ever since A-M.L began indulging (and overindulging) what some may call her "sensual side" - and what others simply label as her "slutty side"! Click on the thumbnail images above to see some evidence of all that, right now...
You would never IMAGINE a Mary Hart, Meredith Vieira or any 'speakerine' that ever sat at the E.T. desk suddenly embark on a parallel career of cheap erotica sexploitation as the poor man's sexpot of service...! This is what THIS speakerine, TV hostess without the mostest, daughter of a respectable network TV director, effectively "achieved"... And we should dispense kudos for that? Hmm...
Her native Québec may be the place where, for lack of greater numbers (of everything - audience, talent, possible extra markets) the so-called "talent" there gets the opportunity to STEAL ALL THE JOBS AND DO A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING... That is how we've seen TV hosts of game shows aimed at KIDS oftentimes ALSO be working, on the side, as thespians portraying very mature-themed roles, do voice-over work, silly commercials, host radio shows, act in music videos, even -on rare occasions- act on the big screen too, as well as on stage. They do a little bit of everything over there - and so, A-M.L took that as her cue to "branch out" like none ever did before her. She dared go OVERBOARD, is what she did...
And she lost all credibility in the process.
Pathétique, Losique...
Labels: Anus, cable TV, Divas, enfants rois gâtés pourris oui, lackadaisical simulpost, reviews, TV, YouTube videos
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