The Art Of Anet

Finally found some Annette Ducharme - ON THE WEB!
Though it is neither of the two wonderful songs that I remember from her ("Get Back" and the hit "It's Just One Thing") the song - "Nicotine" as it is - is very much worthy of a good thorough analytical luminous listen! ;)
Dame Ducharme has the undeniable knack to weave a perfect song every time out - whether they are for herself of for other artists and notwithstanding if they "catch on" with the fans' fancy (fickle as they are) - the songs are always well-structured, intelligently so, which leaves the listener always satiated after each listen!
It is rare, indeed.
It is a gift that Dame Ducharme possesses and that few truly do have.
Many believed to have it, upon scoring big with one hit song, are soon exposed for what they truly are when they are found unable to come up with anything else even remotely close to what made them famous in the first place.
No so here, with Dame Ducharme - everything she has ever churned up has been of that same trademark quality that is hers now.
Far from being sycophantic here, I am merely stating the truth and the obvious; just ask her many collaborators! (Besides, Dame Ducharme is not in my field! What can she do for me that São didn't do for me... Hmm, that is right, yes - alas! But it is also another story - and I am digressing too -once more- so... Let's move on!)
Annette Ducharme will go down in history as the unsung siren supreme.
No one measures up to her - she knows it, many in the industry know it - but few outside of it will ever know it!
I used to say this about Phil Collins; "you want a surefire hit - get Phil to pen it!"
He did wonders for a flurry of neophyte solo artists who wanted to try it all on their own - duets with him, having songs either written, composed or produced by him did the trick for each one of them! (Frida being my favorite of the lot!)
Annette Ducharme is the female equivalent of Phil!
Just not as rich - otherwise, she'd have produced too! ;)
(Oh - and she's not as selfish as Phil either!
He kept all the really good songs for himself - she shared them!)
Labels: Melomane music, MySpace, YouTube videos
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