Saturday, November 11, 2006
About Me
- Name: Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™
Born in the Age of Aquarius, destined to seek out truths in many an art form, trained as a historian and a journalist but truly a prose-lover... Luciano is out to dispel any clichés and reinvent them all both to the tune of a little something called the truth as also to his own image - and being old-fashioned, he does not mind that distinction one infinitesimal tiny bit at all...! "There are two ways to spread the light; be the candle... or the mirror that reflects It." I have chosen to be the latter... okay? ~*~ "To be not only a seeker of light... but a dream weaver of light" ~*~ For as surely as the moon reflects the light from the sun, you and I can reflect the Light from Above - and be, indeed, the light of this world! ~*~*~*~ NOTE: THERE ARE COOKIES ~ from at least three parties~ ON ALL OF MY BLOGS! ~*~ accept it!
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Hey - yet another 1969 classic film!
Click on the gorgeous smile flashed by Silvia Pinal
To see it again that is! ;)
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Ok - I am only kidding about those being my "faves"...! ;)

Only DC Comics/Warner Brothers/AOL-Time-Turner could shoot itself in the foot repeatedly like this...
Tis surely the undesired side-effect of having too many departments in a conglomerate that is way too big for its own good...?
We have seen them misfire time and again - for no freaking good reason at all!
CATWOMAN was a pathetic movie because they chose to show-off quite a bit and go out of their way to steal a "big name actress" - regardless but perhaps ESPECIALLY because she was most identified with a character that belongs to the COMPETITION: the X-Men's very own Storm...
In so choosing, they doomed themselves to pay an overrated actress much more than what she is really worth - and they also doomed, most importantly of all, the entire damn project CREATIVELY speaking... For, with whatshername cast as Catwoman, it was automatically an entirely different dynamic that was present there. We no longer had a middle-class caucasian and thieving piece of white trash - but we were stuck with an African-American catlover who does it for the kink of it...?
This was, evidently, not the same character anymore and they did recognize this by not attributing to her the name Selina Kyle but a whole new identity - and that sealed their fate irremediably! For the few fans that were looking forward to this flick -as well as those inane enough to have been lured to it via the damnable condition (hey- d.c.)known as "batmania"- were loking forward to a movie version featuring the character seen in Batman tales - not a whole new character that has no batty ties at all!
Halle Berry (that is her name!) was not a second coming of Eartha Kitt at all - she was just an annoyance on celluloid!
And the movie bombed - and Warner Bros executives scratched their heads as to "why"...! They really are clueless...
There were plenty of actresses that would have made sensational SELINA KYLES: Jane Badler, Sela Ward, Jill Hennessy, Courtney Cox (a bit of a stretch - but still!) and a thousand and one actresses wasted on insignificant throwaway roles on TV shows such as "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"...!
Alas, Warner had "la folie des grandeurs" and simply had to cast an Oscar-winner and a competitor...! Just ot "prove" something - mostly to themselves I guess?
Likewise with so many other projects they utterly RUINED by overthinking things...
When AQUAMAN became a proposed TV series on the CW, all Aquaman-related characters became "off-limits" to the rest of the Warner Bros. lot...! And so, even though they surely know that ALL EXPOSURE IS GOOD and that there is "no bad publicity", they effectively forbid themselves from having any further Aquaman cameos on that Justice League cartoon series - even though such appearances were promised prior to that - and the real Aquaman was even taken off HIS VERY OWN COMIC-BOOK SERIES TOO...
On a parallel to that, and quite paradoxically too, they authorized all manners of disparaging mentions of the character on a show called Entourage that mocks primarily Hollywood thinking (thus, WB mocking itself) but also mocked the fans' choice and allegiance to a character such as Aquaman...!
That makes sense, doesn't it?
It was, indeed, a great way to pave the way for an Aquaman series that would have cost a fortune in special effects alone - WAY to go in making it a safe investment, DC!
The self-imposed restriction was so ridiculous that it went to this extent too: on the Justice League cartoon, they could not use Aquaman's old foe, Black Manta, and so they came up with a new (maybe even cooler one) named Devil Ray (reminiscent of the one-shot deal "Devilfish" that popped up in Aquaman's Justice League of Atlantis...! Why do they always have to resort to a devil for a quick sub/ quick "fix"? Are the Warner Bros. trying to tell us something by this? That they maybe made a DEAL or something - signed a pact...? But I digress... ;)
I will not get into the LXG and Constantine fiascos though...
Not here!
My question is - why does such a mighty company always have to shoot itself in the foot like this?
And why don't they have more competent personnel in place - at the decision-making desks, that is!
Maybe it has something to do with what a "DC" means... I mean, out on the streets...?
One cannot elude such bad publicity, so deeply ingrained in people's minds (those with so-called "street smarts" that is, anyways...!)
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